
Showing posts from June, 2021

For those of you who are looking to prep for a summer at the beach, I have a simple tip. Make sure that your diet is in check by eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. This will give you all the vitamins and minerals needed to be fit and healthy! If you're on vacation, make sure not to forget about your cooking routine as well. Always prepare ahead of time so that way when it comes time for dinner or breakfast, you don't find yourself unprepared with nothing but fast food options nearby!

For those of you who are looking to prep for a summer at the beach, I have a simple tip. Make sure that your diet is in check by eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. This will give you all the vitamins and minerals needed to be fit and healthy! If you're on vacation, make sure not to forget about your cooking routine as well. Always prepare ahead of time so that way when it comes time for dinner or breakfast, you don't find yourself unprepared with nothing but fast food options nearby! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

After weeks of hard work, you've finally started to see some changes in your body. You're feeling stronger and more energized than ever before. But then one day you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and notice that your belly is still sticking out there like an old-fashioned watermelon! This can be discouraging for anyone who's been working so hard on their fitness goals, but it doesn't have to be.

After weeks of hard work, you've finally started to see some changes in your body. You're feeling stronger and more energized than ever before. But then one day you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and notice that your belly is still sticking out there like an old-fashioned watermelon! This can be discouraging for anyone who's been working so hard on their fitness goals, but it doesn't have to be. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

If you are someone who is trying to get in shape and have a sensitive stomach, then this blog post is for you. In the following paragraphs we will be discussing why bloating can occur and how eating certain foods can help decrease it. We will also discuss what foods should be avoided if bloating occurs such as high-fiber foods. The best way to avoid bloating is by using basic dietary advice like keeping track of your portions.

If you are someone who is trying to get in shape and have a sensitive stomach, then this blog post is for you. In the following paragraphs we will be discussing why bloating can occur and how eating certain foods can help decrease it. We will also discuss what foods should be avoided if bloating occurs such as high-fiber foods. The best way to avoid bloating is by using basic dietary advice like keeping track of your portions. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Canola oil is a vegetable-based cooking and baking oil that is often used in place of olive or other oils. It contains monounsaturated fat, which can help to lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce the risk for heart disease. However, it also contains polyunsaturated fats, which may not be as beneficial to your cardiovascular health. The type of food you eat with the oil will affect how much you absorb these fats into your bloodstream.

Canola oil is a vegetable-based cooking and baking oil that is often used in place of olive or other oils. It contains monounsaturated fat, which can help to lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce the risk for heart disease. However, it also contains polyunsaturated fats, which may not be as beneficial to your cardiovascular health. The type of food you eat with the oil will affect how much you absorb these fats into your bloodstream. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

If you're currently feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unmotivated - it's time to take a step back from your work. It's time to get out of your head and into the gym! Working out has been proven to reduce stress levels by up to 72%! So what are you waiting for? Pin this blog post on Pinterest now because there is no better time than right now. Get ready for an awesome workout that will be sure to change how you feel about yourself in just 30 days or less. You CAN do this!

If you're currently feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unmotivated - it's time to take a step back from your work. It's time to get out of your head and into the gym! Working out has been proven to reduce stress levels by up to 72%! So what are you waiting for? Pin this blog post on Pinterest now because there is no better time than right now. Get ready for an awesome workout that will be sure to change how you feel about yourself in just 30 days or less. You CAN do this! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Hey everyone, I know what it feels like to have lost motivation after a weight loss plateau. It can be frustrating and demoralizing when all of your hard work goes unrewarded with a scale that doesn't change. But don't lose hope! In this blog post, I'll give you some tips on how to break through these plateaus and get back to the fat-burning furnace you once were. So stay tuned for more information on how to get back in shape.

Hey everyone, I know what it feels like to have lost motivation after a weight loss plateau. It can be frustrating and demoralizing when all of your hard work goes unrewarded with a scale that doesn't change. But don't lose hope! In this blog post, I'll give you some tips on how to break through these plateaus and get back to the fat-burning furnace you once were. So stay tuned for more information on how to get back in shape. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Are you an active person who wants to stay slim for life? Or do you find yourself always struggling with weight gain and looking for a way to maintain your current size? If so, this blog post is for you! It will outline the best ways to stay slim forever so that not only are you healthy, but also have a lower chance of getting chronic diseases. The first step is by eating right. Next we'll cover some basic exercises that can be done at home or outside in nature.

Are you an active person who wants to stay slim for life? Or do you find yourself always struggling with weight gain and looking for a way to maintain your current size? If so, this blog post is for you! It will outline the best ways to stay slim forever so that not only are you healthy, but also have a lower chance of getting chronic diseases. The first step is by eating right. Next we'll cover some basic exercises that can be done at home or outside in nature. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

We all know that it's important to eat healthy and exercise, but the idea of doing this for a lifetime can be daunting. One strategy is to take periodic diet breaks in order to not only give your body time to recover from the stress, but also allow you some leeway when it comes to what you're eating. The best part about these breaks? They don't have to last forever!

We all know that it's important to eat healthy and exercise, but the idea of doing this for a lifetime can be daunting. One strategy is to take periodic diet breaks in order to not only give your body time to recover from the stress, but also allow you some leeway when it comes to what you're eating. The best part about these breaks? They don't have to last forever! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Stretching is one of the most important things you can do before exercising. It prevents injury and helps you enjoy your workout more because it increases blood flow, which heats up muscles. But stretching isn't enough to prevent injury; here are four other tips that will help keep your injury-prone muscle group (like your hamstrings) from getting hurt: 1) Warm Up With a Slow Jog Before Your Workout - Doing so will help loosen them up for a better stretch 2) Stretch Them Again...

Stretching is one of the most important things you can do before exercising. It prevents injury and helps you enjoy your workout more because it increases blood flow, which heats up muscles. But stretching isn't enough to prevent injury; here are four other tips that will help keep your injury-prone muscle group (like your hamstrings) from getting hurt: 1) Warm Up With a Slow Jog Before Your Workout - Doing so will help loosen them up for a better stretch 2) Stretch Them Again... from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Can you out-exercise a bad diet? Can you under-exercise good food? And if so, what does that mean for your fitness goals? It turns out that the answer to both of these questions is yes. In fact, researchers at Stanford found that as long as you make it a point to eat well and work hard in the gym, not all calories are created equal. To be sure, some foods are better than others (and we've got plenty of recipes on this site).

Can you out-exercise a bad diet? Can you under-exercise good food? And if so, what does that mean for your fitness goals? It turns out that the answer to both of these questions is yes. In fact, researchers at Stanford found that as long as you make it a point to eat well and work hard in the gym, not all calories are created equal. To be sure, some foods are better than others (and we've got plenty of recipes on this site). from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's true. Exercise works if you stick to it - even if your routine is simple and low-intensity. The best part? You don't have to be perfect about it! It's all about consistency, not intensity. If you can work out four times a week, that will do more for fat loss than twice a week with an intense workout on those two days. Plus, the added bonus of working out consistently is increased muscle tone and better sleep quality!

I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's true. Exercise works if you stick to it - even if your routine is simple and low-intensity. The best part? You don't have to be perfect about it! It's all about consistency, not intensity. If you can work out four times a week, that will do more for fat loss than twice a week with an intense workout on those two days. Plus, the added bonus of working out consistently is increased muscle tone and better sleep quality! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Muscle building is a difficult process and it's easy to get side-tracked by trying to grow too quickly. In order to avoid this, you should make sure you're eating enough protein and getting plenty of rest. A common mistake people make is lifting weights that are too heavy for them, which can lead the muscles being overworked. This can result in muscle growth but also injury or pain if not careful so be mindful of what weight level your body can handle!

Muscle building is a difficult process and it's easy to get side-tracked by trying to grow too quickly. In order to avoid this, you should make sure you're eating enough protein and getting plenty of rest. A common mistake people make is lifting weights that are too heavy for them, which can lead the muscles being overworked. This can result in muscle growth but also injury or pain if not careful so be mindful of what weight level your body can handle! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

If you are looking for a way to get smoother skin, then it is time to change up your workout routine. A recent study found that exercising with shorter reps and longer breaks in between can improve the quality of your skin by increasing collagen production. The article goes on to say that following this rep tempo will also help you lose weight faster! So take some time out of your next workout for taking care of yourself from the inside-out.

If you are looking for a way to get smoother skin, then it is time to change up your workout routine. A recent study found that exercising with shorter reps and longer breaks in between can improve the quality of your skin by increasing collagen production. The article goes on to say that following this rep tempo will also help you lose weight faster! So take some time out of your next workout for taking care of yourself from the inside-out. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

We all know that getting in shape is hard and takes time. However, many people are not aware of how dramatically their progress can be improved by increasing work capacity. This blog post will explain what work capacity is and the benefits associated with improving this aspect of fitness. Read on to learn more! Blog Post Body: Work Capacity Definition: The measure of an individual's ability to perform physical work over a period of time (i.e., power).

We all know that getting in shape is hard and takes time. However, many people are not aware of how dramatically their progress can be improved by increasing work capacity. This blog post will explain what work capacity is and the benefits associated with improving this aspect of fitness. Read on to learn more! Blog Post Body: Work Capacity Definition: The measure of an individual's ability to perform physical work over a period of time (i.e., power). from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Many people believe that coffee is a potently appetite suppressing drink, but some research has shown that decaf coffee may be even more potent. Decaf drinkers are not at risk for the "jittery" feeling that many caffeine addicts experience, and it doesn't cause an energy crash. What's up with this? Read on to find out!

Many people believe that coffee is a potently appetite suppressing drink, but some research has shown that decaf coffee may be even more potent. Decaf drinkers are not at risk for the "jittery" feeling that many caffeine addicts experience, and it doesn't cause an energy crash. What's up with this? Read on to find out! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Did you know that scientists have discovered a new food that makes us fat? Well, it's not some kind of secret sauce or anything. It's what we're drinking! We've all been told for years to drink water and stay away from soda or juice, but did you know there are other drinks just as bad for our waistlines? Check out the list below to see which beverages will make those pounds creep on.

Did you know that scientists have discovered a new food that makes us fat? Well, it's not some kind of secret sauce or anything. It's what we're drinking! We've all been told for years to drink water and stay away from soda or juice, but did you know there are other drinks just as bad for our waistlines? Check out the list below to see which beverages will make those pounds creep on. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

You've just started your journey to better health! You're going to need some essential nutrients that you may not be getting enough of. A multivitamin is a good way to make sure you are covering all bases, but it's important to find the right one for your needs and lifestyle. Read on for tips on how to choose the best multivitamin for you!

You've just started your journey to better health! You're going to need some essential nutrients that you may not be getting enough of. A multivitamin is a good way to make sure you are covering all bases, but it's important to find the right one for your needs and lifestyle. Read on for tips on how to choose the best multivitamin for you! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Spot reduction is possible. The new research findings show that abdominal fat can be reduced by as much as 50% with a six-month exercise program. This proves that spot reduction IS possible! The best part about this study is that it doesn't require the participant to change their diet or lifestyle in any way, so you don't have to worry about having to give up your favorite foods and drinks just yet.

Spot reduction is possible. The new research findings show that abdominal fat can be reduced by as much as 50% with a six-month exercise program. This proves that spot reduction IS possible! The best part about this study is that it doesn't require the participant to change their diet or lifestyle in any way, so you don't have to worry about having to give up your favorite foods and drinks just yet. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

If you are looking for fat loss, this blog post is not for you. This blog post will be about how to get in shape and stay healthy through your daily workouts. It will contain information on why it's important to workout every day, the benefits of getting regular exercise, as well as sample exercises and routines. The goal is to help people who have an active lifestyle stay fit without going into extreme dieting or exercise regimes which can lead to injury or burnout.

If you are looking for fat loss, this blog post is not for you. This blog post will be about how to get in shape and stay healthy through your daily workouts. It will contain information on why it's important to workout every day, the benefits of getting regular exercise, as well as sample exercises and routines. The goal is to help people who have an active lifestyle stay fit without going into extreme dieting or exercise regimes which can lead to injury or burnout. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

It's time to stop neglecting your inner chest muscles. We're all guilty of it: we hit the bench press, do some flys, and forget about our pecs. But if you want a well-rounded physique that doesn't look like you have man boobs, then this exercise is for you! The sandwich press combines two great exercises: dumbbell presses and flys. Let's get started… What are your thoughts?

It's time to stop neglecting your inner chest muscles. We're all guilty of it: we hit the bench press, do some flys, and forget about our pecs. But if you want a well-rounded physique that doesn't look like you have man boobs, then this exercise is for you! The sandwich press combines two great exercises: dumbbell presses and flys. Let's get started… What are your thoughts? from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

If you're looking for a magic bullet to help you lose weight, Intermittent Fasting might be the answer. That's what some people think and I'm not here to tell them they're wrong. There are plenty of studies out there that show how it can have benefits on fat loss and body composition but as with everything my advice is always: do your research before jumping in head first into an eating regimen that sounds too good to be true.

If you're looking for a magic bullet to help you lose weight, Intermittent Fasting might be the answer. That's what some people think and I'm not here to tell them they're wrong. There are plenty of studies out there that show how it can have benefits on fat loss and body composition but as with everything my advice is always: do your research before jumping in head first into an eating regimen that sounds too good to be true. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Do you want to tone your muscles? Where do you have the most muscle tone? Is it your abs, butt or thighs? Well, if you're trying to lose weight it's a good idea to be more concerned with frequency than intensity. If we take an example of someone who is trying to work on their biceps and triceps, they would need to focus on how many reps they are doing in one set rather than focusing on how much weight they can lift.

Do you want to tone your muscles? Where do you have the most muscle tone? Is it your abs, butt or thighs? Well, if you're trying to lose weight it's a good idea to be more concerned with frequency than intensity. If we take an example of someone who is trying to work on their biceps and triceps, they would need to focus on how many reps they are doing in one set rather than focusing on how much weight they can lift. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This sounds like good news, but if you are trying to lose weight then it's time to rethink what you eat for breakfast. A study found that people who ate a high carbohydrate and low protein breakfast lost less weight than those who had a high protein and low carbohydrate diet.

You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This sounds like good news, but if you are trying to lose weight then it's time to rethink what you eat for breakfast. A study found that people who ate a high carbohydrate and low protein breakfast lost less weight than those who had a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

It's hard to find time to work out and still maintain a healthy weight. But it IS possible! One simple way is by adding just 15 more minutes per workout, which will add up to significant fat loss over the course of a year. This blog post discusses how you can do that without overexerting yourself or breaking your routine. Read on for all the details!

It's hard to find time to work out and still maintain a healthy weight. But it IS possible! One simple way is by adding just 15 more minutes per workout, which will add up to significant fat loss over the course of a year. This blog post discusses how you can do that without overexerting yourself or breaking your routine. Read on for all the details! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

You may be thinking that eating healthy is hard, but it doesn't have to be! In this blog post you'll learn about one delicious food that will help protect your DNA and keep your body in great shape. You're going to love the taste of this dish and want to make it again and again. The recipe includes a list of ingredients for making a large quantity so you can make enough for yourself or as many people as you need at once. Don't delay - add this amazing dish into your diet today!

You may be thinking that eating healthy is hard, but it doesn't have to be! In this blog post you'll learn about one delicious food that will help protect your DNA and keep your body in great shape. You're going to love the taste of this dish and want to make it again and again. The recipe includes a list of ingredients for making a large quantity so you can make enough for yourself or as many people as you need at once. Don't delay - add this amazing dish into your diet today! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Many people who are trying to lose weight don't know how many calories they burn in a day. This blog post is going to break down the different types of activities and calories burned so you can make an educated decision on what your daily caloric intake should be. This will ultimately help you reach your goal: losing weight!

Many people who are trying to lose weight don't know how many calories they burn in a day. This blog post is going to break down the different types of activities and calories burned so you can make an educated decision on what your daily caloric intake should be. This will ultimately help you reach your goal: losing weight! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Losing weight is tough. Determining which diet will work best for you can be even more difficult. Interval dieting may be the perfect option for individuals who are looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at what it is about interval dieting that makes it so effective, as well as some of the factors you should consider before choosing this type of approach to your weight loss plan.

Losing weight is tough. Determining which diet will work best for you can be even more difficult. Interval dieting may be the perfect option for individuals who are looking to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at what it is about interval dieting that makes it so effective, as well as some of the factors you should consider before choosing this type of approach to your weight loss plan. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

"I'm about to make a statement that is going to be unpopular with most people, but I think it's important you hear me out. The general consensus is that saturated fat should not exceed 10% of your daily caloric intake. Why? Well, because it has been linked to heart disease and increased risk for stroke."

"I'm about to make a statement that is going to be unpopular with most people, but I think it's important you hear me out. The general consensus is that saturated fat should not exceed 10% of your daily caloric intake. Why? Well, because it has been linked to heart disease and increased risk for stroke." from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

It can be difficult to know how hard to push yourself when you're trying to lose weight. You want your workouts strong enough that they make a difference in fat loss, but not so intense that you burn out and stop exercising altogether. This blog will let you know how to adjust your workout intensity for the best results. The Ultimate Guide: How To Adjust Workout Intensity For Fat Loss

It can be difficult to know how hard to push yourself when you're trying to lose weight. You want your workouts strong enough that they make a difference in fat loss, but not so intense that you burn out and stop exercising altogether. This blog will let you know how to adjust your workout intensity for the best results. The Ultimate Guide: How To Adjust Workout Intensity For Fat Loss from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

You're in the gym, and you've been working out for a while. You feel good about your workout routine, but then you start to notice that it's making your joints ache and giving you back pain. Maybe even causing some numbness in your hands. It sounds like what I'm describing is normal? Well according to this article from WebMD, it may not be as normal as we think! "You may have overworked muscles or strained ligaments-or both."

You're in the gym, and you've been working out for a while. You feel good about your workout routine, but then you start to notice that it's making your joints ache and giving you back pain. Maybe even causing some numbness in your hands. It sounds like what I'm describing is normal? Well according to this article from WebMD, it may not be as normal as we think! "You may have overworked muscles or strained ligaments-or both." from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

It’s true that dieting is a lot of work. It takes time and effort to set up a plan, stay on track, follow the rules, and reach your goal weight. But this blog post will focus on one simple thing you can do right now to make progress towards your goal: ride the “hunger wave”! Hunger waves are those feelings of hunger that sweep over us periodically throughout the day. The natural instinct when faced with these hunger pangs is usually to give in by eating something (maybe not so healthy).

It’s true that dieting is a lot of work. It takes time and effort to set up a plan, stay on track, follow the rules, and reach your goal weight. But this blog post will focus on one simple thing you can do right now to make progress towards your goal: ride the “hunger wave”! Hunger waves are those feelings of hunger that sweep over us periodically throughout the day. The natural instinct when faced with these hunger pangs is usually to give in by eating something (maybe not so healthy). from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

You might think that healthy foods like leafy greens and lean proteins are immune system boosters, but they're not. In fact, these types of food can actually weaken your immune system depending on the time you consume them. What does strengthen your immune system? Dairy products! Whole milk contains a protein called Immunoglobulin A or IgA which helps build up our immunity so we don't get sick as often.

You might think that healthy foods like leafy greens and lean proteins are immune system boosters, but they're not. In fact, these types of food can actually weaken your immune system depending on the time you consume them. What does strengthen your immune system? Dairy products! Whole milk contains a protein called Immunoglobulin A or IgA which helps build up our immunity so we don't get sick as often. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

You know that feeling you get when you're about to start a new workout routine and the excitement is so high you can practically feel your heart beating out of your chest? I'm here to let you know that it's not just in your head. In fact, getting active is one of the best things you can do for yourself because it could actually lower your biological age by up to 10 years.

You know that feeling you get when you're about to start a new workout routine and the excitement is so high you can practically feel your heart beating out of your chest? I'm here to let you know that it's not just in your head. In fact, getting active is one of the best things you can do for yourself because it could actually lower your biological age by up to 10 years. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Are you sore after a workout? If the answer is yes, then fear not. You are in good company! The best way to avoid this feeling is by stretching before and after your workouts. However, some people don't have time for that or they think it's too much of a hassle. So what can you do instead? There are many ways to work out without getting sore - try doing cardio instead of weight training, take more rest days than workout days, or exercise at home with no equipment !"

Are you sore after a workout? If the answer is yes, then fear not. You are in good company! The best way to avoid this feeling is by stretching before and after your workouts. However, some people don't have time for that or they think it's too much of a hassle. So what can you do instead? There are many ways to work out without getting sore - try doing cardio instead of weight training, take more rest days than workout days, or exercise at home with no equipment !" from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

As we age, our bodies change and the amount of effort it takes to do the same workout changes with us. It is important to know this in order to keep progressing with your workouts. If you are not sure what intensity level you should be at, ask an instructor for a personal assessment or consult a doctor before making any adjustments on your own.

As we age, our bodies change and the amount of effort it takes to do the same workout changes with us. It is important to know this in order to keep progressing with your workouts. If you are not sure what intensity level you should be at, ask an instructor for a personal assessment or consult a doctor before making any adjustments on your own. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

A lot of people think that you need to lose weight by eating a low carb diet. But what if it was the opposite? What if high carbs are better for losing weight? This article will explore some pros and cons of both diets, so read on!

A lot of people think that you need to lose weight by eating a low carb diet. But what if it was the opposite? What if high carbs are better for losing weight? This article will explore some pros and cons of both diets, so read on! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to find a way of eating that helps your body burn fat and maintain muscle. And if you're not interested in counting calories or weighing food, dieting can feel like a daunting task. But there are some other things you should consider when choosing your diet plan: hormone levels!

If you are trying to lose weight, it is important to find a way of eating that helps your body burn fat and maintain muscle. And if you're not interested in counting calories or weighing food, dieting can feel like a daunting task. But there are some other things you should consider when choosing your diet plan: hormone levels! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Do you have a hard time sticking to your diet? Do you find that you're tempted by all the other tasty options in the grocery store or at restaurants? You might want to try reducing food variety for weight loss. A recent study found that people who are trying to lose weight should avoid eating anything that they haven't eaten before, as it will make them more likely to overindulge and eat more than they had originally planned.

Do you have a hard time sticking to your diet? Do you find that you're tempted by all the other tasty options in the grocery store or at restaurants? You might want to try reducing food variety for weight loss. A recent study found that people who are trying to lose weight should avoid eating anything that they haven't eaten before, as it will make them more likely to overindulge and eat more than they had originally planned. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

A lot of people think that so-called "high carb" diets are bad for your health, but this isn't true! In fact, many experts recommend eating high carb foods as part of a healthy lifestyle. Some studies have even shown that people who eat more carbohydrates lose more weight than those who don't!

A lot of people think that so-called "high carb" diets are bad for your health, but this isn't true! In fact, many experts recommend eating high carb foods as part of a healthy lifestyle. Some studies have even shown that people who eat more carbohydrates lose more weight than those who don't! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Dieting is a difficult process for most people. One of the worst parts about dieting, however, is that it can lead to your metabolism slowing down which means weight loss becomes even more difficult. If you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight and want to learn how to diet without slowing your metabolism then read on!

Dieting is a difficult process for most people. One of the worst parts about dieting, however, is that it can lead to your metabolism slowing down which means weight loss becomes even more difficult. If you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight and want to learn how to diet without slowing your metabolism then read on! from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Squats are a great exercise for strengthening your lower body, but how low should you go? It might be easier to answer by asking yourself what's the longest distance you can comfortably squat. If it's less than 2-3 inches from the ground, then deep squats may not be right for you. The average depth of a safe and effective squat is 3-4 inches below parallel (the point where the thigh is parallel with the floor).

Squats are a great exercise for strengthening your lower body, but how low should you go? It might be easier to answer by asking yourself what's the longest distance you can comfortably squat. If it's less than 2-3 inches from the ground, then deep squats may not be right for you. The average depth of a safe and effective squat is 3-4 inches below parallel (the point where the thigh is parallel with the floor). from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Is apple cider vinegar the best vinegar for weight loss? I'm not sure about that, but it is a tasty way to make salads and other healthy dishes more flavorful. Recently, I've been trying out different types of vinegars as part of my weight-loss journey and this post will give you an overview of what I found.

Is apple cider vinegar the best vinegar for weight loss? I'm not sure about that, but it is a tasty way to make salads and other healthy dishes more flavorful. Recently, I've been trying out different types of vinegars as part of my weight-loss journey and this post will give you an overview of what I found. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Is being too muscular really that bad? It can be, says a recent study. It's not just the fat-burning properties of muscle tissue that make it so helpful in weight loss; it also provides protection from chronic disease. And while muscles might sound like they're your best friend when you're trying to lose weight - they're not always. In some cases, there are health risks associated with having an excessively high level of lean body mass or increased muscle mass...

Is being too muscular really that bad? It can be, says a recent study. It's not just the fat-burning properties of muscle tissue that make it so helpful in weight loss; it also provides protection from chronic disease. And while muscles might sound like they're your best friend when you're trying to lose weight - they're not always. In some cases, there are health risks associated with having an excessively high level of lean body mass or increased muscle mass... from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

We all know that eating water-rich foods can help us stay hydrated, but did you know it can also help speed up your fat loss? The reason is because drinking more fluids increases the amount of energy burned by our bodies. When we are dehydrated, our bodies try to conserve water and this slows down metabolism. Drinking enough water helps our muscles work better and provides a greater release of body heat as well.

We all know that eating water-rich foods can help us stay hydrated, but did you know it can also help speed up your fat loss? The reason is because drinking more fluids increases the amount of energy burned by our bodies. When we are dehydrated, our bodies try to conserve water and this slows down metabolism. Drinking enough water helps our muscles work better and provides a greater release of body heat as well. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to be able to lift more weight without feeling like your joints are going to pop out of their sockets? If so, this blog post is for you. It's not just about getting stronger though- it's also about losing weight! How do I know that the two things will work together? Well, the best way to lose a lot of fat is by doing strength training workouts. That means that if we're talking about being strong and lifting weights- then yes they go hand in hand.

Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to be able to lift more weight without feeling like your joints are going to pop out of their sockets? If so, this blog post is for you. It's not just about getting stronger though- it's also about losing weight! How do I know that the two things will work together? Well, the best way to lose a lot of fat is by doing strength training workouts. That means that if we're talking about being strong and lifting weights- then yes they go hand in hand. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

How often should you weigh yourself? It's a question that has been asked for decades, with no consensus. Some people think it's best to weigh yourself every day and others recommend weighing weekly or monthly. What is the right answer? Let me take a look at each side of the argument and see what I can come up with.

How often should you weigh yourself? It's a question that has been asked for decades, with no consensus. Some people think it's best to weigh yourself every day and others recommend weighing weekly or monthly. What is the right answer? Let me take a look at each side of the argument and see what I can come up with. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

A new study has found that people who walk slow live shorter lives. So, even if you're not in a hurry to get somewhere, it's time to pick up the pace! In fact, this is one of the reasons why we recommend walking at least 10 minutes every day. We know that when you walk with high intensity for 30-60 minutes per day on most days of the week, your risk of cardiovascular disease decreases by 33%. If you can't increase your speed right now or are worried about how it will affect your joints...

A new study has found that people who walk slow live shorter lives. So, even if you're not in a hurry to get somewhere, it's time to pick up the pace! In fact, this is one of the reasons why we recommend walking at least 10 minutes every day. We know that when you walk with high intensity for 30-60 minutes per day on most days of the week, your risk of cardiovascular disease decreases by 33%. If you can't increase your speed right now or are worried about how it will affect your joints... from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I know it sounds crazy, but the Japanese have a tradition that I think you should know about. It's called Hara Hachi Bu, and it means you should stop eating when your stomach is 80% full. If this seems impossible to do - don't worry! The article provides an introduction to Hara Hachi Bu as well as advice on how to incorporate it into daily life so that people can eat until they are only 80% full instead of 100%. The tone is casual and engaging with a humorous style of writing.

I know it sounds crazy, but the Japanese have a tradition that I think you should know about. It's called Hara Hachi Bu, and it means you should stop eating when your stomach is 80% full. If this seems impossible to do - don't worry! The article provides an introduction to Hara Hachi Bu as well as advice on how to incorporate it into daily life so that people can eat until they are only 80% full instead of 100%. The tone is casual and engaging with a humorous style of writing. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I'm a vegan myself, and I've been watching the news about The Game Changers movie with some interest. It's not often that we see veganism as portrayed in the media, so it was cool to see this documentary explore what is happening on a global scale with our food production system. And while I think it's important for people to know how animals are treated in factory farms, there were some major flaws in this film that make me question whether or not it should be taken seriously.

I'm a vegan myself, and I've been watching the news about The Game Changers movie with some interest. It's not often that we see veganism as portrayed in the media, so it was cool to see this documentary explore what is happening on a global scale with our food production system. And while I think it's important for people to know how animals are treated in factory farms, there were some major flaws in this film that make me question whether or not it should be taken seriously. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Dealing with two kids, a full-time job and the day to day grind can be hard. You know you should exercise more, but it never seems like there's time. We're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way! One of us is an engineer by trade and one is a stay at home mom - we found a way for both of us to get in the best shape of our lives together as busy parents with two kids.

Dealing with two kids, a full-time job and the day to day grind can be hard. You know you should exercise more, but it never seems like there's time. We're here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way! One of us is an engineer by trade and one is a stay at home mom - we found a way for both of us to get in the best shape of our lives together as busy parents with two kids. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT