
Showing posts from February, 2021

I just read an article put out today on some of the health benefits of beer. Beer Officially Good for You Because it Reduces Heart Risk I’ll summarize here: *Here are some of the health benefits of daily beer drinking. *Helps thin the blood and removes plaque in arteries *The polyphenols help fight disease *Reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and heart disease *Equivalent antioxidants of wine *Limit it to 14 units per week for men and a bit less for women (1-2 beers a day).

I just read an article put out today on some of the health benefits of beer. Beer Officially Good for You Because it Reduces Heart Risk I’ll summarize here: *Here are some of the health benefits of daily beer drinking. *Helps thin the blood and removes plaque in arteries *The polyphenols help fight disease *Reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes and heart disease *Equivalent antioxidants of wine *Limit it to 14 units per week for men and a bit less for women (1-2 beers a day). from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

This easy to make superfood has just a few ingredients and helps build beneficial gut bacteria.

This easy to make superfood has just a few ingredients and helps build beneficial gut bacteria. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

For most people, losing belly fat takes 2-3 times longer than expected.... especially if you are middle-aged or beyond. A lot of my close friends are in their mid-to-late 40's. Back in college... We could lose fat and get ready for summer by simply adding in a bit of cardio and cutting calories for 3-6 months before summer. If you are in your mid 30's and beyond? You almost have to think in terms of 1-2 years to reach your ideal physique.

For most people, losing belly fat takes 2-3 times longer than expected.... especially if you are middle-aged or beyond. A lot of my close friends are in their mid-to-late 40's. Back in college... We could lose fat and get ready for summer by simply adding in a bit of cardio and cutting calories for 3-6 months before summer. If you are in your mid 30's and beyond? You almost have to think in terms of 1-2 years to reach your ideal physique. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Potatoes and steamed vegetables the night before an event can do some magical things. The potassium in the potatoes, help you get rid of excess water (potassium does the opposite of sodium when it comes to water retention). It makes the face and body look leaner than normal. newlywed couple in bed …and it worked surprisingly well this time. During the night water was flushed out. I even had 3 beers with dinner and woke up leaner than normal.

Potatoes and steamed vegetables the night before an event can do some magical things. The potassium in the potatoes, help you get rid of excess water (potassium does the opposite of sodium when it comes to water retention). It makes the face and body look leaner than normal. newlywed couple in bed …and it worked surprisingly well this time. During the night water was flushed out. I even had 3 beers with dinner and woke up leaner than normal. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Sometimes the mind goes to negative places and it can get stuck there. I wish we were taught to EXPECT this. I get in negative places a few times per year (happens to everyone). I get less enthusiastic about stuff. For some reason, I feel guilty about getting in this negative space in my head. I forget this is to be expected. I forget EVERYONE goes through this. I’ve been on this planet for almost 50 years… When my mind goes to this place it surprises me EVERY time.

Sometimes the mind goes to negative places and it can get stuck there. I wish we were taught to EXPECT this. I get in negative places a few times per year (happens to everyone). I get less enthusiastic about stuff. For some reason, I feel guilty about getting in this negative space in my head. I forget this is to be expected. I forget EVERYONE goes through this. I’ve been on this planet for almost 50 years… When my mind goes to this place it surprises me EVERY time. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

The paleo and primal movement pointed out the harms of too much omega 6 from vegetable oils in early-to-mid 2000s. But now we have a clearer picture. First let’s talk about what the media seems to be blaming our obesity epidemic on. Carbs… Here’s how carb intake is related to obesity.

The paleo and primal movement pointed out the harms of too much omega 6 from vegetable oils in early-to-mid 2000s. But now we have a clearer picture. First let’s talk about what the media seems to be blaming our obesity epidemic on. Carbs… Here’s how carb intake is related to obesity. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Getting lean is a process of TINY bits of fat loss over a long period of time. The day-to-day fat loss is small. But… Over time this is what creates our ideal physique. Even a little bit more fat loss each workout adds up to a lot (given enough time). Don’t discount the cumulative fat loss effect of adding a bit of walking into your workouts.

Getting lean is a process of TINY bits of fat loss over a long period of time. The day-to-day fat loss is small. But… Over time this is what creates our ideal physique. Even a little bit more fat loss each workout adds up to a lot (given enough time). Don’t discount the cumulative fat loss effect of adding a bit of walking into your workouts. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I found a recent study which compared taking long diet breaks -vs- dieting without breaks. Intermittent energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in obese men: the MATADOR study [1]. In this study… One group dieted nonstop for 16 weeks. The other group alternated 2 weeks of dieting with 2 weeks at maintenance for a total of 30 weeks. The results were interesting. Both groups went through 16 weeks in a calorie deficit.

I found a recent study which compared taking long diet breaks -vs- dieting without breaks. Intermittent energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in obese men: the MATADOR study [1]. In this study… One group dieted nonstop for 16 weeks. The other group alternated 2 weeks of dieting with 2 weeks at maintenance for a total of 30 weeks. The results were interesting. Both groups went through 16 weeks in a calorie deficit. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Being overweight changes your DNA. A conversation I had 18 years ago with a medicinal chemist changed the way I looked at obesity. For a little over a year, I was an executive recruiter who filled Director level medicinal chemist jobs at pharmaceutical companies. I had to call VP’s of these massive companies for reference checks for these scientists. One of the most accomplished of these scientists brought multiple drugs through clinical trials (this is a big deal).

Being overweight changes your DNA. A conversation I had 18 years ago with a medicinal chemist changed the way I looked at obesity. For a little over a year, I was an executive recruiter who filled Director level medicinal chemist jobs at pharmaceutical companies. I had to call VP’s of these massive companies for reference checks for these scientists. One of the most accomplished of these scientists brought multiple drugs through clinical trials (this is a big deal). from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

It’s definitely possible to build a strong and defined physique with bodyweight training. The biggest positives of bodyweight training? You are able to train just about anywhere. There is one challenge with bodyweight training. “The downside of bodyweight is… you can’t really train your lower back effectively… and you have to train your lower back to stay young.” – Pavel Tsatsouline

It’s definitely possible to build a strong and defined physique with bodyweight training. The biggest positives of bodyweight training? You are able to train just about anywhere. There is one challenge with bodyweight training. “The downside of bodyweight is… you can’t really train your lower back effectively… and you have to train your lower back to stay young.” – Pavel Tsatsouline from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Weight loss is never a linear straightforward process. Typically it involves losing 1-2 pounds, followed by remaining at a stable weight for a while. This stable weight period can be frustrating. More patience is required of you, the leaner you become. These stable weight periods become longer and longer the closer you get to your ideal body fat percentage.

Weight loss is never a linear straightforward process. Typically it involves losing 1-2 pounds, followed by remaining at a stable weight for a while. This stable weight period can be frustrating. More patience is required of you, the leaner you become. These stable weight periods become longer and longer the closer you get to your ideal body fat percentage. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Consistently showing up is key to getting lean. When workouts are too intense TODAY, you run a serious risk of wanting to skip your workout TOMORROW. Consistency beats intensity for fat loss (most of the time). Going all-out on every exercise is not a great long-term strategy.

Consistently showing up is key to getting lean. When workouts are too intense TODAY, you run a serious risk of wanting to skip your workout TOMORROW. Consistency beats intensity for fat loss (most of the time). Going all-out on every exercise is not a great long-term strategy. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I was trying to come up with an opposite to this common phrase: “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet”. I get the idea behind the saying. But… I think this phrase is thrown around too much. I also think a lot of people use this as an excuse to skip exercise altogether. What you eat is absolutely important, but part of me thinks these phrases are used as a way to minimize the importance of exercise. Some people will do ANYTHING to avoid exercise.

I was trying to come up with an opposite to this common phrase: “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet”. I get the idea behind the saying. But… I think this phrase is thrown around too much. I also think a lot of people use this as an excuse to skip exercise altogether. What you eat is absolutely important, but part of me thinks these phrases are used as a way to minimize the importance of exercise. Some people will do ANYTHING to avoid exercise. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

The common advice is to lighten up the weight quite a bit when targeting an injury-prone part of your body. That’s decent advice… …but if you lift a weight explosively it can be just as risky, if not more risky, than lifting a heavier weight at a slow pace. A surprising number of injuries happen when the weight is light. Joint injuries or muscle strains tend to happen during the Stretch Shortening Cycle of a lift. This is the point in a lift where you reverse the direction of the bar.

The common advice is to lighten up the weight quite a bit when targeting an injury-prone part of your body. That’s decent advice… …but if you lift a weight explosively it can be just as risky, if not more risky, than lifting a heavier weight at a slow pace. A surprising number of injuries happen when the weight is light. Joint injuries or muscle strains tend to happen during the Stretch Shortening Cycle of a lift. This is the point in a lift where you reverse the direction of the bar. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Impressive looking physiques are built by INCREASING the work capacity with training, not decreasing it. The higher your workload per week, the more adaptations you will make. visual impact frequency training The law of diminishing returns comes into play. You don’t need to train 15 hours per week, but… 6-8 hours of training per week will create a MUCH bigger and quicker transformation than 1-2 hours per week.

Impressive looking physiques are built by INCREASING the work capacity with training, not decreasing it. The higher your workload per week, the more adaptations you will make. visual impact frequency training The law of diminishing returns comes into play. You don’t need to train 15 hours per week, but… 6-8 hours of training per week will create a MUCH bigger and quicker transformation than 1-2 hours per week. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

There is a specific way to lift weights that has been shown in a study to boost Growth Hormone by up to 1,700% compared to normal lifting. I think people get thrown off by the term Growth Hormone. It’s not really a muscle-building thing. Think of Growth Hormone as your “youth hormone”… It helps with fat loss and skin tone, etc.

There is a specific way to lift weights that has been shown in a study to boost Growth Hormone by up to 1,700% compared to normal lifting. I think people get thrown off by the term Growth Hormone. It’s not really a muscle-building thing. Think of Growth Hormone as your “youth hormone”… It helps with fat loss and skin tone, etc. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Some people are lucky to have great genetics where things grow in perfect proportion. Others have “runaway growth” in specific muscle groups. There are certain muscle groups that in my opinion take away from a balanced looking physique. For instance, a lot of women have quads that tend to grow quicker than they would like. I’m not saying large quads are bad. It’s all about preference… MOST women I talk to want slim toned thighs while getting their glutes to pop out a bit more.

Some people are lucky to have great genetics where things grow in perfect proportion. Others have “runaway growth” in specific muscle groups. There are certain muscle groups that in my opinion take away from a balanced looking physique. For instance, a lot of women have quads that tend to grow quicker than they would like. I’m not saying large quads are bad. It’s all about preference… MOST women I talk to want slim toned thighs while getting their glutes to pop out a bit more. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I used to drink 2-3 cups of coffee per day. I think I enjoyed the ritual of making it and smelling it in the morning as much as I like the caffeine. I drink less coffee now than I used to. I prefer to be powered by carbs these days. I almost feel like caffeine borrows “future energy”. You feel more awake and energetic now at the expense of less energy later.

I used to drink 2-3 cups of coffee per day. I think I enjoyed the ritual of making it and smelling it in the morning as much as I like the caffeine. I drink less coffee now than I used to. I prefer to be powered by carbs these days. I almost feel like caffeine borrows “future energy”. You feel more awake and energetic now at the expense of less energy later. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

Dietary fat is what gets stored as fat in our bodies. Take this meal for instance. It’s not the PROTEIN in the hamburger meat that gets stored as fat. It’s the fat in the hamburger meat. Protein rarely gets converted to body fat. It’s not the CARBS in those fries that get stored as body fat. It’s the oil (fat) they were cooked in. Carbs rarely get converted to body fat. When you cut out most of the fat your body is extremely unlikely to store ANY of your meal as body fat.

Dietary fat is what gets stored as fat in our bodies. Take this meal for instance. It’s not the PROTEIN in the hamburger meat that gets stored as fat. It’s the fat in the hamburger meat. Protein rarely gets converted to body fat. It’s not the CARBS in those fries that get stored as body fat. It’s the oil (fat) they were cooked in. Carbs rarely get converted to body fat. When you cut out most of the fat your body is extremely unlikely to store ANY of your meal as body fat. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I like vitamins made from whole foods. These are basically vegetables compressed into a tablet form. I believe you are less likely to get an unusually large amount of any particular vitamin when the multivitamin is sourced from foods. Synthetic multivitamins worry me a little, because of the possibility of having way too much of a particular vitamin. I’m not saying that synthetic is bad. You just need to do research on the company before ordering.

I like vitamins made from whole foods. These are basically vegetables compressed into a tablet form. I believe you are less likely to get an unusually large amount of any particular vitamin when the multivitamin is sourced from foods. Synthetic multivitamins worry me a little, because of the possibility of having way too much of a particular vitamin. I’m not saying that synthetic is bad. You just need to do research on the company before ordering. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

April Harkness is a 44 year old Chicago nurse and mother. She put on 30+ pounds during the first 9 month of 2020 due to the intense stress of her job and lack of time to workout. With just one kettlebell and this special workout she was about to drop 32 pounds in 4 months and get flat abs and toned body. Here's more of her stories and details of her workout.

April Harkness is a 44 year old Chicago nurse and mother. She put on 30+ pounds during the first 9 month of 2020 due to the intense stress of her job and lack of time to workout. With just one kettlebell and this special workout she was about to drop 32 pounds in 4 months and get flat abs and toned body. Here's more of her stories and details of her workout. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

We have been told for years that spot reduction is NOT possible. Findings from a recent study challenge this idea. “Effect of combined resistance and endurance exercise training on regional fat loss” They found that spot reduction may be possible around the area of resistance-trained muscles. The key is to do cardio right after focused resistance training. Here are the specific steps: Challenge your target muscles near the stubborn area.

We have been told for years that spot reduction is NOT possible. Findings from a recent study challenge this idea. “Effect of combined resistance and endurance exercise training on regional fat loss” They found that spot reduction may be possible around the area of resistance-trained muscles. The key is to do cardio right after focused resistance training. Here are the specific steps: Challenge your target muscles near the stubborn area. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

What does this lift do? It creates a strong contraction in the inner part of the pecs (good for building a line down the middle). More importantly, it teaches you to keep your elbows tucked when pressing. Keeping your elbows tucked makes bench pressing safer on your shoulders.

What does this lift do? It creates a strong contraction in the inner part of the pecs (good for building a line down the middle). More importantly, it teaches you to keep your elbows tucked when pressing. Keeping your elbows tucked makes bench pressing safer on your shoulders. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I actually like to get to the gym 6 days per week each Spring. It may sound excessive, but I find myself sitting A LOT these days.Muscle definition increases at a rapid rate since each muscle group is being contracted every time you enter the gym.

I actually like to get to the gym 6 days per week each Spring. It may sound excessive, but I find myself sitting A LOT these days.Muscle definition increases at a rapid rate since each muscle group is being contracted every time you enter the gym. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT

I'm a fan of HIIT. It can result in a lot of calories burned and fat loss, etc. The only downside is that it can also overtrain the body. High Intensity Repeat Training is like HIIT with much less discomfort and fatigue.

I'm a fan of HIIT. It can result in a lot of calories burned and fat loss, etc. The only downside is that it can also overtrain the body. High Intensity Repeat Training is like HIIT with much less discomfort and fatigue. from Visual Impact Fitness via IFTTT