
Showing posts from February, 2019

About 5 1/2 years ag

About 5 1/2 years ago Chris Voigt, executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, decided to live on nothing but potatoes for 60 days. He did this to make a point. The paleo and low carb movement have actually demonized potatoes and Chris wished to reveal that potatoes are nutrient dense and actually have a favorable impact on health. He ended up losing 21 pounds (he wasn't even trying to lose weight). from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

When I truly got int

When I truly got into exercising and lifting weights walking appeared too easy to be useful. Walking does not make you sweat or get you out of breath. How good could it actually be? Here's a video discussing 10 positive things that take place to your body if you walk every day. This video mentions something I didn't think about. It appears like walking can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

It's important to be

It's important to be able to tell the difference between water retention and fat loss. If you retain water and believe you aren't losing fat, you might minimize calories needlessly. Here's a video explaining what indications to search for and how to minimize water retention in the body. If you want to lose water weight rapidly, I also recommend a 3-4 day all-potato diet. Potatoes have potassium which combats any sodium-related water retention issues. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Even if you utilize

Even if you utilize bench presses to work your chest, triceps, and shoulders, you should also routinely add in pushups. Pushups work a lot more muscles than the bench press. This exercise needs the entire core to fire hard to keep the body stable. So if you want an excellent chest and killer abs to go with it, it makes sense to work pushups into your regimen. Here's a video which covers 10 typical pushup errors. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

We are all born with

We are all born with the body that we live with for our entire lives. Therefore, we are responsible for taking care of that body so it can serve us until the end of our days. Unfortunately, some of us forget that it requires proper care to stay youthful, from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

TRX Exercises

TRX Exercises from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

Triceps Extension

Triceps Extension from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

I am naturally a qui

I am naturally a quite positive and upbeat person, but do not buy into the entire positive thinking movement. The way I look at attaining objectives like getting in terrific shape or building a successful business is that it is positive actions that matter most. Simply do the actions necessary to reach your goals, and forget how you feel. What I found is that the proper actions constantly lead me to feeling better anyway. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Hey guys, are you af

Hey guys, are you afraid of #erectiledysfunction ? Maybe you suffer from this awful #disease . It's something that all #men out there must be aware of and being aware of it means you should be aware of how to #treat and #prevent this disease. The cure is from Project Vis | Functional Strength and Conditioning via IFTTT

Personal Training Ma

Personal Training Makes Sense In the Short Term. There are lots of well-informed people who can reduce your learning curve by hearing their wisdom. This is true in any endeavor, not just getting in shape. There comes a point when the "student must become the teacher" to reach the highest level. No matter what the skill ... business, sports, racing, cooking, etc... the people who are super-achievers build upon a skill set taught by their teacher. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT


HOW TO UNEVEN TRICEPS? from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

I have actually util

I have actually utilized star workout routines and different star names to pull in additional visits to my website. For some reason, celebs get more searches than any other topic online. I'm not impressed by an actor or actress who spends 3 hours each day for 2-3 months getting in shape for a role. It just shows me that they haven't adopted a way of life of health and fitness. Getting in shape isn't an outstanding feat if it takes excessive time. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

✅Bent over isolation

✅Bent over isolation curls from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

I have a love-hate r

I have a love-hate relationship with technology. I like the Internet, the convenience of mobile phones, On Demand TV and things like that, however it makes me a little bummed that kids are losing out on a great deal of playing outside. When I was a kid video games were around, but they weren't such a significant focus. I typically played outside until I dropped and then would periodically play a computer game perhaps 1-2 times weekly. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

In my everyday life,

In my everyday life, I see numerous examples of people who are simply a little overweight. In fact, I would think that a minimum of 1/3 of the people I know who are over the age of 50 fit into this classification. I have actually discovered a few studies that reveal that being obese boosts the danger for several dangerous diseases. Even if you eat well and workout and do everything you are supposed to do, things can go wrong. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

According to the boo

According to the book Exercise Physiology, college-aged men carry 15% body fat, while older men carry around 25% body fat. Women are closer to 25% body fat at a more youthful age and move up to 35% as they reach age 50. I likewise have read in other places (can't remember where) that guys usually put on one pound of fat annually from the age of 35 to the age of 60 and that women place on less than one pound per year, but more in percentage to their general weight. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Among my significant

Among my significant objectives is to travel to as many various beaches as possible in my life time. What does this have to do with physical fitness? Well, it is more pleasurable when you feel and look excellent in your swimsuit. It is the basic things in life that make me pleased. Provide me a sunny beach, a beach towel, and a cold beer and I'm good. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

These are simply som

These are simply some observations I have actually made over the previous 48 years. As I approach 50, I wish to share the very best fitness ideas I've found out throughout the years. Our knowledge in fitness and health is growing similar to any other field. There are literally thousands of people contributing to the "collective knowledge" of physical fitness on a continuous basis. Experts who are stubborn| and refuse to consider other options get left in the past. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

What is The 5 Pound

What is The 5 Pound Rule? It is simply this, never ever permit yourself to overcome 5 pounds over your "perfect weight". When I discuss perfect weight, I'm not talking about the weight you are at when you have busted butt in the health club for 3 months straight and have actually dropped every last ounce of fat. This is more of an "event weight" which I will speak about later on. Your ideal weight is a sensible weight where you look great in and out of clothing. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

16 TRX Moves for a F

16 TRX Moves for a Full-Body Workout from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

I am a student of ph

I am a student of physical fitness. I take in knowledge, look at and consider the latest viewpoints and fine-tune my method gradually. What I suggest today is somewhat different than what I would have recommended 2 years earlier. 2 years from now, it will be slightly different than today. With fitness, there are many reliable approaches to achieving the exact same result. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Your mind is so prof

Your mind is so proficient at finding a suitable reason that you can avoid your workout (or any action that will move you closer to any goal) and you will feel fantastic about it. You need to gain the psychological strength to not listen to this part of your brain to get extraordinarily fit. The big challenge I have found with doing exercise in your home is the capability to go easy on myself or discovering a reason to cut my workout short. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

I usually advise tha

I usually advise that individuals remain in shape all year, so they do not ever have to stress over getting in shape for summer. That being said, the truth is that it is simple to slide when you are bundled up for part of the year. For those who are interested, here is the exact routine I'm doing this spring. We all are at various physical fitness levels and have a little different goals. I didn't wish to do this post so individuals would copy my precise workout routine. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

After I drop weight,

After I drop weight, I completely expect to gain a portion of that weight back. I call this yo-yo weight loss and I believe this is the way our bodies naturally respond to dieting. If you do not anticipate a weight gain in your mission for a lean body, then you may feel bad when it happens. I hear about many individuals who quit and feel like failures the minute they put on 2-3 pounds. It is unfortunate because this is based upon a faulty belief system. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

The very best way to

The very best way to cut successfully is to not put on too much body fat in the first place when gaining muscle. The perfect scenario is to not acquire too much more than 10-15 pounds of body fat during a muscle gaining stage. Even less is better. Here is a video describing how to get lean without losing muscle for those who don't have a great deal of fat to lose. Her primary focus is on compound movements and HIIT. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

How do you consume a

How do you consume and train to gain muscle mass and lose body fat at the exact same time? The important things to recognize is that this isn't possible for each person due to the fact that it relies on your dieting and training background. How do you know if this is possible for you? Here is a video explaining 3 various categories of training background and which one is probably to be able to gain muscle while losing fat. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

How do you lose fat

How do you lose fat without losing hard-earned muscle? It isn't too hard if you use correct principles. Here's a video discussing some strong ways to guarantee you lose as little muscle as possible. The most crucial point he makes is to maintain your strength. This is key when it comes to avoiding muscle loss. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

The body doesn't lik

The body doesn't like to reduce weight. It tends to want to keep saved body fat as a survival mechanism and the leaner you get the more it wishes to keep this body fat. This is why losing those last 10 pounds is extra hard. Here is a video with tactical ideas on losing those last 10 pounds of body fat. I don't agree 100% with what he advises however do like his 2-meals daily approach to intermittent fasting. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

I used to reach stic

I used to reach sticking points all the time, because of my continuous use of a spotter or forcing reps that I couldn't lift myself. The idea behind doing "forced reps" and "negatives" is that it is enabling your body to get used to handling more weight for more reps. This is a fantastic mass gaining strategy and it even increases strength in the short term, the problem is that a strength gain sticking point is inescapable using this kind of lifting strategy. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

To slim down quickly

To slim down quickly without losing muscle takes a special technique. Having a sense of urgency, like preparing for an event or for summertime provides incentive to be a little extra strict. Here's a video of a step by step strategy this person utilized to lose 13 pounds in 3 weeks. You do need to be careful to avoid losing muscle mass when you are reducing weight. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT


PULL UPS from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

Your #Hips are vital

Your #Hips are vital to nearly every #exercise you will ever do. Not only that, but they are essential for every day #life . You use them to stand, #walk , #bend , #Squat , and everything in between. If you have chronically tight hips, this can lead to a from Project Vis | Functional Strength and Conditioning via IFTTT

The whoosh effect is

The whoosh effect is a trick your body plays on you when you are attempting to get lean. Body fat is lost, however that fat gets displaced by water in the fat cells. Then, over night, the body releases all of that water in one huge "whoosh" and you wind up losing 3-5 or more pounds overnight. Why does this occur? Here's a video explaining the whoosh effect and why fat loss is consistent but weight loss on the scale is inconsistent. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

When your body loses

When your body loses fat quickly out of a fat cell, often times that fat is displaced by water. Fat is lost, however weight-loss does not appear on the scale. Then in a short amount of time, the body flushes the water out of the fat cells and loses 3+ pounds overnight. This is called the Whoosh Effect. Here's a video describing the whoosh effect and why the body does this. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Have you ever experi

Have you ever experienced a weight reduction plateau followed by unexpected weight loss over night? This is called the whoosh effect. What is crazy is that often this overnight weight-loss can be 4 to 5 pounds. Here's a video describing why these plateaus occur and why you shouldn't be discouraged when the scale does not budge. She recommends to not weigh yourself every day since of this whoosh effect. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

✅Neutral grip wide c

✅Neutral grip wide curls from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

New research has est

New research has established that losing even just two inches off of your waist can dramatically improve your health overall. Here's why stomach fat can be particularly stubborn and how can shrink it once and for all – even after the age of 50. #overfiftyandfit #bellyfat #stomach #research #waistline #over50 #inches #health #shrink #lose #reduce #waist #size #weight from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT


SIX PACK WORKOUT from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

Specialists like Gar

Specialists like Gary Taubes and Dr. David Ludwig would have you think that carbs make you fat. The low carb movement began decades ago with Dr. Atkins but didn't really pick up steam up until about 2010. These days the keto diet plan and other low carb variations are the traditional method to drop weight. Are these professionals right? Here's a video examining the very best carbohydrates to eat to drop weight. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Did you understand t

Did you understand that the kind of cardio you do, can play a huge function in your craving for food? It is possible that many individuals are sabotaging their ability to lose body fat, by choosing a kind of cardio that makes them frantically crave food. The incorrect kind of cardio can make dieting a difficult deal. Some individuals tend to yearn for more food after a cardio workout and "compensate" for their calories burned. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Abdominal exercises

Abdominal exercises from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a pretty uncomplicated method to lose weight, but are there any unfavorable side effects? I have actually utilized an intermittent fasting diet plan on and off for over 18 years now. I have a simple time with it, but others might experience a couple of obstacles. Here's a video discussing some temporary adverse effects of numerous intermittent fasting diet plans. Something to look out for? You still need to produce a calorie deficit to lose body fat. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

Strong Curves. Sculp

Strong Curves. Sculpt your body. Grow your butt. #fitnessguide #biggerbutt #growyourbutt #workoutplan #exerciseplanbeginner #strengthtraining #weightlifting #resistancetrainingwomen #resistancetrainingbeginner #strengthtrainingbeginner from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

If you want to lose

If you want to lose fat at a rapid rate, you do need to press hard at things like intervals, circuits and HIIT. The issue is knowing how tough ought to you press. Finding out the perfect workout intensity for things like interval training is almost an art. Besides diet plan, the correct intensity in your fat loss exercises is what makes the distinction between looking great and looking your finest. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT


SIX PACK TOP EXERCISES from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

No doubt it is tough

No doubt it is tougher to get 6 pack abs at 40 and beyond compared to when you are more youthful. I've taken a trip to many beaches this past decade and seeing anyone over 40 with any kind of ab definition is extremely unusual. It seems that people give up at a certain point. Here's a video I found of 5 ideas for men to assist men over 40 get 6 pack abs. The pointer I liked best? Tip # 2 "HGH Ignite"... Doing a wall sit to failure 30 minutes before going to sleep. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT

I speak about variou

I speak about various types of interval training and circuit training on this blog on a regular basis. I tend to avoid talking about things like lactic acid and oxygen debt because these are "zone out" terms. Many people tend to skim when blogs begin to read like Biology textbooks. I want to describe how intervals work and go into more details, without making this a mind-numbing technical article. Why do we work hard, rest a little, then push hard again? from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT


HOW TO LUNGE EXERCISES from weighteasyloss via IFTTT

Staying lean in your

Staying lean in your 20's and 30's is pretty straightforward. A solid diet plan and weight loss workout regimen will do the job when given sufficient time. As you strike into your 40's and beyond, hormonal modifications begin to take place and make fat loss a bit harder. Here's a video discussing how hormones begin changing at 25 and how this makes it a bit tougher to stay lean. She also details 5 Musts for Fat Loss for women over 40. from Visual Impact Fitness™ via IFTTT
from weighteasyloss via IFTTT