Even if you utilize bench presses to work your chest, triceps, and shoulders, you ought to also frequently add in pushups. Pushups work a lot more muscles than the bench press. This workout requires the whole core to fire hard to keep the body stable. So if you desire a terrific chest and killer abs to go with it, it makes sense to work pushups into your routine. Here's a video which covers 10 typical pushup mistakes.

Even if you utilize bench presses to work your chest, triceps, and shoulders, you ought to also frequently add in pushups. Pushups work a lot more muscles than the bench press. This workout requires the whole core to fire hard to keep the body stable. So if you desire a terrific chest and killer abs to go with it, it makes sense to work pushups into your routine. Here's a video which covers 10 typical pushup mistakes.

from Visual Impact Fitness™ https://ift.tt/2X8X7i7


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